Darshan of highly revered Pashupatinath and perform Rudravishek Darshan of Doleshwor Mahadev (Head Part of Kedarnath)
A journey from holy city to the holiest mountain (explore the best of Lhasa) Pilgrimage to sacred Lake Mansarovar, holy Mt. Kailash and Tirthapuri
Rudram Homam (Havan) in Mansarovar
Nandi and Asthapada Darshan
Travel to Lake Mansarovar and base camp of Kailash (no walking involved) Parikrama (extensive walking involved)
Charan Sparsh – Touching Lord Shiva’s feet – Climbing high altitude in extreme weather condition – Rudram Homam (Havan) iin front of Lord Shiva’s feet
For the registration and details write to info@Rajdhani Mandir.Org Arrangements by highest rated travel company

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, Summer 2024
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